Today Rohin Adams, Adrian Jackson, Nat Dunn and myself met at Wandong to pre ride the 90km loop before next weekends race.The start of the course heads up a fire road climb of about 4kms. You are then rewarded with some sweet single track that weaves its way down, allowing you to take in the scenery of MT Disappointment. The only real (steep) climb is encounted early in the course, but believe me I am not kidding when I mean steep!!
The course continues to switch from fast fire road descents to flowing double track and single track.
This course has it all! One thing you definetly have to remember, it is designed to be a marathon race and not the stock cross country race.
One of the big attractions is that they have fully supported feed zones! So no need to worry about food and water throughout the race because it's all taken care of. Even after the race they will be supplying some food for competiters.
Check out the website and the course for the full run down. All you have to decide is which leg to enter in 90kms?, 65kms? or the 36.5kms?
How steep are we talking here?
Is it:
5 - Subaru 12 hour "omg where'd my traction go, aw snap" steep;
4 - Eildon "Gah, stupid pinch climb" steep?
3 - Officer or Snozza's Hill "man that's steep, just don't get in front of me and I'll be fine" steep;
2 - Lysterfield M2006 "this ain't so hard, I'll just sit and spin granny" steep, or:
1 - Mt Beauty "come on, be over already" middle-ring steep.
0 - Beaconsfield "350meters in a 30 minute lap, are you kidding me!?" steep?
I would compare the climb to Lysterfieds comm games climb without the switch backs.See what you think on the weekend!!
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