Saturday, April 3, 2010

Don't fall down...

That whole topsy turvy things was playing again this morning... Hell ride this morning and the bunch was a reasonable size but not mental. Mental however was the pace... Holy hell someone (*cough*) had some HP's this morning and seemed more often than not to be on the front. The pace was pretty high, and there wasn't much scope to be moving up so everyone was pretty much line astern in the dark.

No worries by me, not too much sillyness with more attention paid to the taste of the stem. Somewhere adjacent to Seaford, it all went wrong... Once again, the median strips that come out for no real apparent reason bit back and someone either got squeezed or just didn't see it. A big lockup of brakes was the first I knew of anything and then bunch just exploded all over the road at somewhere close to 50km/h. With bikes, people and carnage sliding all over the road, we all headed for the beach and away from the carnage. Somewhere people leant on each other enough to stay upright as we all veered away as fast as possible, and people filtered back together as they rolled down the road. As the front 10 or so didn't see it, people were suddenly faced with a choice - chase, or stick around...

Most chased, but about 5 of us went back to see if everyone was alright. And they weren't... I kept looking over my shoulder at a guy lying in the middle of the road, not moving. I was waiting for him to move, as that would have meant everyone was moving, but he was still...

I rolled back up and someone had already gotten to him. The guy in the middle of the road was making a gutteral fluttering sound, and whilst his face was facing away from me, it sounded like he'd been cheese grated. Someone summonded Ambo's, a motorist stopped to help, and the second person to stop/pass turned out to be a doctor. I busied myself with stopping the traffic of Nepean Highway from making more of a mess, and everyone got on with their shit. We positioned cars and people to make some sort of 'safe' environment, and had a look about.

Total Rush's Tony (second from right) had apparently managed to plow through a traffic arrow with his body and then end up 4-5m under the back of a parked car. I saw him literally crawling out from under it! The gentleman having a bit of a laydown obviously wasn't having a great day, and the next time I turned around, those working on him had started rapid chest compressions (!), and he was mid siezure, so his shit was going from bad to worse...!

By the time the Ambo's arrived, (sans cops, but it is near Franganistan so thats fair...) the guy had regained some sort of consciousness, and thankfully didn't wig out at lying in the middle of Nepean highway whilst being 16shades of f#$ked up. Ambo's strapped him up, and bussed him the hell out of there, and from there it all wound down to a quiet roar...

Tony's bike was a write off, holes in the carbon fibre etc. And I don't even know what happened to the other guys' bike. But thats not really that important now is it... That guy is very lucky to have the care that was available to him, and luck is about all you could call it, because he probably feels right now like he should have stayed in bed...

So I rolled back up the road towards home, and thankfully the bunch turned up so I was able to get a very quick lift home and get on with my day, thankful that I was still attached to my skin and mental faculties...!

Stay safe kiddies...!