Tuesday, March 25, 2008


After all the excitement that was the weekend and the Solo24 National Championship at Canberra, I've got a few days up my sleeve and hit the beach in search of some legs. They were turning over pretty well too I thought, which was then followed by that thought of 'mmm, that rear wheel suddenly felt a little spongy'. Sure enough, Seaford back roads, broken VB bottle, imagine that... But what it did allow me to do was get out my trusty Cycle Design pump.

Yeah I know, it doesn't sound real trick or snazzy, but its a pump. You don't want trick or snazzy, you want air back in your tire and it has to be reliable. I've been using my trusty CD pump for at least 3 years now, and its still going. Always hanging off the side of my bottle cages, its unobtrusive, and reasonably compact. Together with a gauge, which actually seems quite accurate, and the double stroke operation, its a simple few minutes to hit back to 100psi and continue on your way. I run this pump without sealing anywhere, and its never let me down. Through rainstorms, dirt roads, hellish sunshine and everything in between, its proven to be a low cost, ultra reliable pump that I can see I'll be using for years to come. So check out the cycle design range of pumps at your local bike shop, or contact Southcott for your local dealer.

And whilst I was out on the road, I came across a few amusing things. How about Adidas 3 stripe tracksuit pants and high heels..? Niiiice! And confusing billboards like 'generic scripts written here' out the front of a chemist. What does that mean??? Here's a script to fix everything??

But just when you though you'd progressed to an age and stage of elite sandcastle making, someone has to come along and show you how the big boys roll...


Finally, Jason and I are up to our eyeballs in the new Ascend Elite nutritional products, and initial results are in the positive. For the record, we are using both the 'Elite muscle' and the 'Elite recovery' products, as well as the protein catalyst, so stay tuned for more feedback as we road test these products. Keep in mind that Ascend Sport are offering a no obligation free trial of some products through their website, so I heartily suggest getting over there and having a look around. That address again? www.ascendsport.com