Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Under construction

Here's a bit of tease to see whats around the corner...

In other news, Nightlightning's latest offerings are also just around the corner, in transit as I type. We're not quite sure what will be tumbling out of our bag of goodies, but we're assured its the very latest that Nightlightning have to offer! So you know we'll be out there giving them a good run, hopefully we'll have pictures of the latest models for you tomorrow night, in time to influence your decision for your winter light purchase! And how much easier is it when a company is prepared to list its prices!

And finally, Jason has taken delivery of his new hardtail, a Felt RXC Team and from first reports, its a weapon. I guess there is still racer left in the man, good to see!!

Tomorrow night we'll be seeing many of you out at the Fatties ride, and those of you that can't make it, we'll you can just live vicariously. The next Epix is taking shape at the moment, staying under wraps as usual, but its now forming its way out of the concept stage.