Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Aiming high...

This weekend sees us heading out into the yonder for another adventure, although this one may be a little closer to home. Never content simply to follow, we're looking to step it up in our surrounds, but rest assure that there will be plenty of awesome singletrack, some hills, a damn long day in the saddle based around a theoretical route and plenty of laughs!

Naturally the photos will tell the story, so you shall see!

There has been some NightLightning news of late as well, with Felt Bicycles returning the favour to our friends at NightLightning. Hopefully this week we should have a good little story for you to read, so keep checking back.

In other story news, one of the well known faces of Melbourne mountain biking took a set of Night Lightning Blaasts for a spin a little while back, and is happily in the process of purchasing a set! Apparently he's written a little story as well, but due to technological constraints, we're still working on that one! Rumour has it there may even be a run out special on some of their older stock (and I'll probably get in trouble for saying so) but if you are interested, add to the comments section.

And finally, Jason and myself have been flat out with Ascend of late, and can both report to the positive. We're also using another product that they are offering called Colostrum This is something that I've looked for my entire cycling career, after hearing of its properties though a out-law who spent a few years at the AIS. A quick Google also finds it cracks a mention on ASADA which really only lends to its credibility...! Mentions of items such as IGF-1 pique ones interest, don't they racers!! Rest assured all Ascend products don't step over any regulatory lines, they simple offer the best nutritional supplements going around!

If you are interested in giving Ascend's 'Muscle' and 'Recovery' products a try, get a hold of us as we still have some sample sachets left that we can give you!

Hopefully we'll have some stories for you this week, so check back won't you.


Mak said...

Colostrum hey boys.... you all got it once off your mothers.....
Hey throw me any Ascend samples please please!!!!
And yes Jason I will contact you soon about a hook up for a pedal around the local area